A Re-introduction to the blog

I’m back!!!

Sorry for the long, LONG wait. Life is busy and I had no motivation. Nothing more to say about it.

A few months ago, my phone randomly pinged. I have this account and my education blog set up to ping my phone when specific things happen on the blog and I figured it was a notification from my education blog (I write actively there). To my very great surprise it was from a new reader pointing out some important information about past blogs.

In my last blog I wrote about how the blog works and where I get the information about Pine Township. When I wrote the blogs and published the pictures, there was little/no information provided about the maps and/or pictures. At some point, someone updated them and new information was provided. I have a few blogs planned based on that new information.

Moving Forward

I actually really enjoy this blog and researching history. The information about Pine Township that is publicly available however, is very limited and despite some of the past blogs having very high readership I haven’t been able to gain enough interest from residents who have the memories I need to really write good blogs.

Gathering resources for such a specific location is difficult. Not impossible, just difficult.

I will most definitely be including more regional history to the blog. It would actually be really cool if I could keep it entirely dedicated to Pine Township but I can’t without more time and more money (that isn’t a solicitation for funds). Hopefully you will enjoy the regional histories as much as you have enjoyed the local ones.

Interested in history?

Blog writing seems scary but it isn’t. I would really love to publish local history stories from amateur local historians. I’d also love to work with middle or high school students who love history and are considering studying it in school (college applications?).

Writing isn’t your thing but you still like history? Not a problem but please share what you want to know! If I can find enough information to write a blog, I will!


Upcoming Blogs

March 25: All About the Views: The Observation Deck of the North Park Water Tower

April 15: The Martin Bomber Crash

May 15: Jonas Salk


Thanks for following the blog! Thanks for reading it and hopefully you will share with others!

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