Dedication of the Rogers Burial Ground

In the first year of this blog, I wrote about the Rogers Burial Ground. It was threatened by a gigantic dead tree limb that when it fell would crush and destroy the headstone of a Revolutionary War veteran and his family.

The Pine Creek Journal picked up the story which got the attention of a local Boy Scout looking for an Eagle Scout project. The project is complete and the Eagle Scout’s family is going to hold a dedication at the cemetery.

The Rogers Burial ground is the final resting place of Thomas Mallison, a Revolutionary War veteran who settled in Pine after the war. The cemetery is also the resting place of Thomas Rogers, Pine Township’s founder, and many of his family.

If you would like to attend to congratulate and thank the young man responsible for the work done to save the cemetery, the ceremony is on Saturday, November 2 at 12pm. The cemetery is located on Twin Oaks Drive. There are two entrances for Twin Oaks Drive so refer to the map below.

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Google Maps Screenshot

If you plan to attend please keep in mind this is a residential neighborhood so be sure not to block any driveways.


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